Sunday, 12 April 2015

A Level Media Studies: Cover, Poster and Trailer

 The Magazine cover, based on the trailer 'Love Note', addresses my target audience of young teenagers and adults who enjoy Romantic Comedies with a Fantasy twist. I referred to the house colors of Empire magazine, such as red, white and black, and considered lighter alternatives of coral red, gold and dark brown therefore supporting the young, light romantic genre of the film. In addition, I considered challenging the conventions of direct address. Looking away gives a suspicious quality, therefore the audience may question what she is hiding from us.

The 'Love Note' Poster reflects the history of the old note book; where one can match make anyone of their choosing into a loving relationship. From top to bottom each moment in time are using hand gestures to show a symbol of love, for example, fiddling with one's hair or a hand on heart. This connotes to the idea that writing in the notebook is also an act of love. The greyscale provides a sense of age and dust; this may reflect how each individual seeks something to excite their dull lives.

'Love Note' is a story themed around a school girl who feels her life is but a repeating cycle, where she feels invisible to the everyday chaos, she seeks her purpose or a chance to make change. Then one day she comes across a notebook which grants the opportunity for the writer to match-make relationships.
In order to give uniqueness I decided to combine the rom-com genre with a sense of magic, that the protagonist is a quiet. shy female who then faces the consequences of her choices, being good or bad.
The Film is 2:07s.

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