Sunday, 12 April 2015

A Level Fine Art Projects

Final Piece- Catastrophic Events:

Pollution and endangered habitat, the piece puts humans into the position of animals which suffer because of human gain.
This project allowed me to develop as an artist; it was a chance to show expression and to break boundaries since before my work was quite tight and precise.
The painting was then displayed in an exhibition in Digbeth.
I used acrylic on board and the scale was roughly A1.

Final Piece- Nature Project:

This is how I see the nature of woodland creatures; the connection between plant and animal. 
Within the lower grounds of the piece are the sweet, timid species like birds or hedgehogs, which I combined with berries and conkers. 
The greater spices dominate the center upwards. I wanted to incorporate each creature with personality and purpose, such as the sneaky fox, appearing crooked by it's log form.
I was mostly inspired by Illustrator Chris Shields and artist Josh Keyes. 
I used acrylic paint on board.

Sketchbook/ Preparatory work:

During my exploration of the theme 'Nature', I began with looking at the close ups of plants as well as experimenting with drawing techniques such as resist.
Albert Durer and Monet influenced my attention to detail with my close ups as well as considering colour and lighting.
As the project developed, I considered the landscape of the forest. Painter Graham Gercken supported my expressive techniques when painting forests and again considering lighting. He also inspired me to consider colour and contrast within my piece.
Then the project developed towards the animals which inhabit the forest; the contrast between herbivores to carnivores.
Artist Josh Keyes supported my progress of combining the animals with plant life; how the appearance of creatures holds the clue to their origins.

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